2009 living now award winners

Here are the final results and announcement of gold, silver and bronze medalists in our first annual Living Now Book Awards, designed to honor the year's best books that help readers attain healthier, more fulfilling, and productive lives.

There’s a revolution going on in the world today, and it’s not about violence or social upheaval, but it is about social change. People all over the planet are sensing the ever-quickening pace of technology and consumerism, and realizing the need to slow down, see and feel the natural world around them, and to find balance in their lives. We need to work, play, and spend time with family and friends. We need good nutrition, exercise, and relaxation. We need to keep ourselves healthy, and need to keep the Earth healthy – today, and for future generations.

The Living Now Book Awards are intended to promote newly-published lifestyle books and their creators. Natural, healthy living doesn’t come easy – it’s much harder work to grow your own beans than to buy them at the supermarket, and much simpler to buy a designer sweater than to knit it – using the wool you spun from the sheep you raised yourself! The Living Now Book Awards recognize books that help readers help themselves, to learn about enriching their lives in wholesome, Earth-friendly ways.

Here are the winning books in all categories, listed by gold, silver and bronze designations. The first category, Living Now Books of the Year, are books that impressed our judges as best representing the spirit of the Awards and cover aspects of mind, body, spirit, home and community. All will receive gold medals.

Congratulations to all!

Living Now Books of the Year

These five books best represent the spirit of the Living Now Awards and cover aspects of mind, body, spirit, home and community. All received gold medals.

The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City, by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen (Process)

Show Me How: 500 Things You Should Know, by Derek Fagerstrom, Lauren Smith & the Show Me Team (Collins) 

...experiencing home...a guide to finding joy in your home, by Jon R. Rentfrow (Zajan Publishing)

In Search of the Miraculous: Healing Into Consciousness, by Eliza Mada Dalian (Expanding Universe Publishing)

Health Is Simple - Disease Is Complicated: A Systems Approach to Vibrant Health, by James Forleo, DC (North Atlantic Books)

1. Cookbooks/General

Gold: Family Meals: Creating Traditions in the Kitchen, by Maria Helm Sinskey (Oxmoor House)

Silver: Delicious Flavors, by Victoria Amory (Casa Rota)

Bronze: Cooking with a Private Chef: New Orleans to Newport, by Chef Michael Saxer

2. Cooking/Nutrition

Gold: 1,000 Gluten-Free Recipes, by Carol Fenster, Ph.D. (Wiley)

Silver: Olive Oil Desserts: Delicious and Healthy Heart Smart Baking, by Micki Sannar (Mikko Publishing)

Bronze: The Complete Whole Grains Cookbook: 150 Recipes for Healthy Living, by Judith Finlayson (Robert Rose)


3. Cooking/Ethnic

Gold: Cooking Danish: A Taste of Denmark, by Stig Hansen (Cooking Danish)

Silver: Celebration at the Sarayi, by Channon Mondoux (TEC Publishing)

Bronze: Easy ‘n Healthy Cooking: Chinese, Fusion and Western, by Diana Fong Chan (Easy ‘n Healthy Cooking Publishers)

4. Cooking/Natural (Organic, Vegetarian, etc.)

Gold: The Vegetarian Cook’s Bible, by Pat Crocker (Robert Rose)

Silver: Ten Talents: Natural Foods - A Diet from the Garden of Eden, by Rosalie Hurd, BS & Frank J. Hurd, DC, MD (Hurd Pictorial Edition)

Bronze (tie): A Good Catch: Sustainable Seafood Recipes from Canada’s Top Chefs, by Jill Lambert (Greystone)

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Raw, by Mark Reinfeld, Bo Rinaldi, and Jennifer Murray (Alpha Books/Penguin Group)

5. Cooking/Entertaining/Holiday

Gold: Thursdays with Mom & Michael: A Daughter’s Loving Tribute to her Mother’s Weekly Dinner Parties in Aspen, by Anita and Elaine Rosenberg with Chef Michael Rueggeberg (Red Mountain Press)

Silver: The Sipping Point: A Crash Course in Wine, by Laurie Forster (TWC Press)

Bronze: The Gathering of Friends: Volume 1, by Michelle Huxtable and Alyse Christiansen (Clarenden Woods)

6. Collecting/Hobbies/Crafts

Gold: A Beachcomber’s Odyssey: Treasures from a Collected Past, by S. Deacon Ritterbush, Ph.D. (Ritz Dotter Publishers)

Silver: Mosaics Downunder: A Project Book Utilizing Recycled, Low Cost and Natural Materials, by Tanya La Paglia

Bronze: The Art of the Everyday Joe: A Collector’s Journal, by Michael K. Corbin (AuthorHouse)

7. Knitting/Crochet/Needlework

Gold: Socks a la Carte: Pick and Choose Patterns to Knit Socks Your Way, by Jonelle Raffino, Katherine Cade, and the SWTC Staff (North Light Books)

Silver: Not Your Grandmother’s Log Cabin: Over 30 Different Projects, by Sara Nephew with Marci Baker (Clearview Triangle)

Bronze: Purls Forever: The Story and Legacy of 6 Generations of Women and their Handcrafted Garments, by Jonelle Raffino (Anezka Media)

8. Etiquette/Traditions/Wedding Planning

Gold: Be Wed, by Kathleen Koeneman and Jenna Ashley (Evotive)

Silver: Essential Etiquette Guides for Dining, Business, Prom and Dating, and Wedding: 25 Simple Rules to Make Your Manners Shine, by Sharyn Kennedy Amoroso (eti-KITS)

Bronze (tie): The Silliest Things that Make Your Wife Happy: What Men Need to Know About Women, What Women Need to Know About Themselves, by Debra Eloise (BookSurge)

The Christian Wedding Planner: An Informative Step by Step Guide to Planning a Successful Christian Wedding, by Natalie West Makel

9. Gift/Specialty/Keepsake

Gold: I’m Not Too Busy, by Jodi Hills (Tristan Publishing)

Silver: Painting the Spirit Within: The Watercolors of Sibyl Sanford, by Sibyl Sanford (South Bay Publishing)

Bronze: My Life…A Chronicle of the Journey, by Jennifer Covello (Frittabello)

10. Gardening/Landscaping

Gold: Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond: Volume 2, Water-Harvesting Earthworks, by Brad Lancaster (Rainsource Press)

Silver: Shrink Your Lawn: Design Ideas for any Landscape, by Evelyn J. Hadden (LessLawn Press)

Bronze: The Lotus: Know It and Grow It, by Kelly Billing and Paula Biles (International Waterlily & Water Gardening Society) 

11. Pets/Livestock

Gold: Eco Dog: Healthy Living for Your Pet, by Corbett Marshall and Jim Deskevich (Chronicle Books)

Silver: Please, Can We Keep the Donkey? A Collection of Animal Rescue Stories by the Massachusetts School of Law Community, edited by Diane Sullivan and Holly Vietzke (Lantern Books)

Bronze: Paw Prints in the Stars: A Farewell and Journal for a Beloved Pet, by Warren Hanson (Tristan Publishing)

12. Green Living (Alternative energy, Conservation, Cleaning, etc.)

Gold: David Suzuki’s Green Guide, by David Suzuki and David R. Boyd (Greystone)

Silver (tie): The New Solar Electric Home: The Complete Guide to Photovoltaics for Your Home, by Joel Davidson and Fran Orner (aatec publications)

Squeaky Green: The Method Guide to Detoxing Your Home, by Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry (Chronicle Books)

Bronze: Renewable Energy Made Easy: Free Energy from Solar, Wind, Hydropower, and other Alternative Energy Sources, by David Craddock (Atlantic Publishing)

13. Outdoor Recreation (Camping, Hiking, Paddling, etc.)

Gold: Whitewater Kayaking: The Ultimate Guide, by Ken Whiting and Kevin Varette (The Heliconia Press)

SilverFairy Houses and Beyond! by Barry and Tracy Kane (Light-Beams Publishing)

Bronze: Feather River Country Adventure Trails, 4th Edition, by Tom DeMund (Know DeFeet Publishing Co.)

14. Home Building/Remodeling/Decorating

Gold: Green Beginnings: The Story of How We Built Our Green & Sustainable Home, by Avrim and Vicki Topel (Green Beginnings Publishing)

Silver: On Design: Designing a Better Log Home, by Murray Arnott (Heartwood Press)

Bronze: Screw It! I’ll Be My Own Contractor: Manage Your Project from Permit to Final Inspection, by William A. Trimble (Maricopa Publishing)

15. Family (Parenting/Health/Safety)

Gold: Raising Baby Green: The Earth Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care, by Alan Greene with Jeanette Pavini and Theresa Foy DiGeronimo (Jossey-Bass) 

Silver: Hope for Families of Children with Cancer, by Lynda T. Young and Chaplain Johnnathan Ward (Kindred Press)

Bronze (tie): My Goodness: My Kids - Cultivating Decency in a Dangerous World, by Nesta A. Aharoni (Grassroots Publishing Group)

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide, by Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, Ann Keppler, Janelle Durham, and April Bolding (Meadowbrook Press)

Proud Parents’ Guide to Raising Athletic, Balanced, and Coordinated Kids, by Karen Ronney (Thomas Nelson)


16. Family Activities/Travel

Gold: The Young Birder’s Guide to Birds of Eastern North America, by Bill Thompson III (Houghton Mifflin)

Silver (tie): The Complete Walt Disney World 2009: The Definitive Disney Handbook, by Julie and Mike Neal (Coconut Press)

Raising Bookworms: Getting Kids Reading for Pleasure and Empowerment, by Emma Walton Hamilton (Beech Tree Books)

Bronze: The Encyclopedia of Sports Parenting, by Dan Doyle with Deborah Soermann Burch (Hall of Fame Press)

17. Finance/Budgeting

Gold: Safe Money in Tough Times: Everything You Need to Know to Survive the Financial Crisis, by Jonathan Pond (McGraw Hill)

Silver: The Emotion Behind Money: Building Wealth from the Inside Out, by Julie Murphy Casserly (Beyond Your Wildest Dreams)

Bronze (tie): That’s What it Means! A Practical Guide to Everyday Finance Terms, by Peter Woan (Practical Guide Publishing)

The Money Keys: Unlocking Freedom & Real Financial Power, by Karen Russo (Lifesuccess Publishing)

18. Social Activism/Charity

Gold (tie): Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Activists, by Jason Del Gandio (New Society Publishers)

Notes from Canada’s Young Activists: A Generation Stands Up for Change, edited by Severn Cullis-Suzuki, Kris Frederickson, Amed Kayssi, Cynthia Mackenzie and Daniel Aldana Cohen (Greystone Books)

Silver (tie): Our Tibet: The Journey of One Tibetan Family, by Sok Shabdrung Dujom Korjee Rinpoche, Tenpa Dugdak, Tenzin Thongga and Sophie Bouris (Flying Mystics Press)

An Unlikely Family: Voices of Ethiopian and American Youth Who Are Turning Tragedy Into Hope, by Ben Beisswenger, Christopher Beisswenger, Margaret Eldred, Zoe Dmitrovsky, Meron Foster and Carolynne Krusi (Anemone Publishing)

Bronze: Hope for Children in Poverty: Profiles and Possibilities, edited by Ronald J. Sider and Heidi Unruh (Judson Press)

19. Style/Fashion/Shopping

Gold: Growing More Beautiful: An Artful Approach to Personal Style, by Jennifer Robin (Arteful Press)

Silver: Coco Chanel: Three Weeks – 1962, by Douglas Kirkland (Glitterati Incorporated) 

Bronze: How They Work: The Hidden World of Dutch Design, by Inga Powilleit & Tatjana Quax (010 Publishers)

20. Personal Growth/Motivation

Gold: 5: Where Will You Be Five Years From Today? by Dan Zadra (Compendium, Inc.)

Silver (tie): Open Up and Say aaah! by Erica Peitler (Circle Takes the Square Publishing)

Perfect Circles: Redefining Perfection, by John Michael Stuart, MSW (Stephens Press)

Bronze (tie): Slow Time: Recovering the Natural Rhythm of Life, by Waverly Fitzgerald (Priestess of Swords Press)

Being Naked: A Nine Week Journey Towards Self-Awareness, by Janis Altman (Ampersand, Inc.)

21. Relationship Improvement/Femininity/Sexuality

Gold: Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Root of the Female Body, by Tami Lynn Kent (WildFeminine.com)

Silver: Opening the Kimono: A Woman’s Intimate Journey Through Life’s Biggest Challenges, by Theresa Rose (Serious Mojo Publications)

Bronze: What Happy Parents Do: The Loving Rituals of a Child-Proof Marriage, by Carol J. Bruess, Ph.D. & Anna D.H. Kudak, M.A. (Fairview Press)

22. Enlightenment/Spirituality

Gold: Heavens & Hells of the Mind: Volumes 1-4, by Imre Vallyon (Sounding-Light Publishing)

Silver: Creating Your Heaven On Earth: Unveiling the Truth that Was Always There, by Meagan M. O'Nan (Dreamriver Press)

Bronze: Metamorphosis: Creating Consciousness Through Touch, by Cindy Silverlock (Kini Publishing)

23. Exercise/Fitness

Gold: Dance of the Womb: The Essential Guide to Belly Dance for Pregnancy & Birth, by Maha Al Musa (Bellydance for Birth)

Silver: 7 Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Will Never Tell You, by Graham Park (Australian Weight Loss)

Bronze: Cindy Says…“You Can Find Health in Your Hectic World, by Cindy Boggs (CindySays, LLC)

24. Health/Wellness

Gold: An Apple a Day: The Myths, Misconceptions, and Truths about the Foods We Eat, by Joe Schwarcz, PhD (Other Press)

Silver (tie): Exercise Your Independence: Functional Fitness Exercise Programs to Keep You Active! by Patricia A. Brill, PhD (Functional Fitness, LLC)

Quiet Mind, Healthy Body: The Art of Low-Stress Living, by Nancy Tan, LCSW (Fig Garden Press)

Bronze: Pain Management: Enhancing Your Life to the Fullest, by Renée Goossens (Anshan Ltd.)

25. Meditation/Relaxation

Gold: Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life, by Ilchi Lee (Best Life Media)

Silver: Sunrise Tai Chi: Simplified Tai Chi for Health & Longevity, by Ramel Rones with David Silver (YMAA Publication Center)

BronzeSensational Meditation for Children: Child-Friendly Mediation Techniques Based on the Five Senses, by Sarah Wood Vallely (Satya International)

26. Yoga/Pilates

Gold: Mind Your Body: Pilates for the Seated Professional, by Juli Kagan (MindBody Publishing)

Silver: The ABCs of Yoga for Kids, by Teresa Anne Power (Stafford House)

Bronze: Kamasutra Yoga: Prescription for a Lifetime of Satisfaction, by Steve Beki, M.D. (Minkk Media)

27. Mature Living/Anti-Aging

Gold: As Time Goes By: Boomerang Marriages, Serial Spouses, Throwback Couples, and Other Romantic Adventures in an Age of Longevity, by Abigail Trafford (Basic Books)

Silver: In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging, by Ilchi Lee and Jessie Jones, Ph.D. (Best Life Media)

Bronze: Do You Have the Guts to be Beautiful? by Jennifer Daniels, M.D. and Mitra Ray. Ph.D. (Shining Star Publishing)

28. Grieving/Death & Dying

Gold: And God Created Hope: Finding Your Way through Grief, by Rabbi Mel Glazer (Marlowe & Company)

Silver: Personal Safety Nets: Getting Ready for Life’s Inevitable Changes and Challenges, by Dr. John W. Gibson and Judy Pigott (Classic Day Publishing)

Bronze: The Angel Letters: Lessons that Dying Can Teach Us about Living, by Norman J. Fried, Ph.D. (Ivan R. Dee)